Trans Studio Bandung adalah taman bermain di dalam ruangan terbesar di dunia yang dikelola oleh Trans Corp. Trans Studio Bandung adalah taman bermain di dalam ruangan kedua yang dibangun untuk menyusul kesuksesan Trans Studio Makassar yang dibangun pada tahun tahun 2009. Wahana yang disajikan diberi nama sesuai dengan program-program yang ada di Trans TV ataupun Trans7
Trans Studio Makassar Theme Park
Masih Simpang Siur, Ada Yang Mengatakan Theme Park Yang Terletak Di Makasar Sulawesi, Ini Akan Menjadi Theme Park Indoor Terbesar Di Dunia. Padahal Di Amerika Serikat Ada Theme Park Indoor Paling Besar Yang Luas Nya Seperti Sebuah Kota Kecil. Yang Pasti Ini Akan Menjadi Yang Terbesar Di Asia. Separuh Pembangunan Telah Selesai 2009 Ini, Dan Masih Berlanjut Hingga 2010. Konsep Theme Park Ini Seperti Universal Studio Yang Benar2 Terdesign baik, Tidak Seperti Dufan Yang Asal Caplok.
Menara Jakarta
Akan Menjadi Menara (Bukan Gedung) Tertinggi di Indonesia, Sekaligus Di Dunia (Bukan Gedung Loh, Tapi Menara) Mengalahkan Menara Tertinggi Di Dunia Saat Ini, Menara Toronto.Menara Yang Sempat Akan Di Bangun Pada Jaman Orde Baru, Sempat Terhenti Akibat Krisis Moneter. Dan Skrg Sedang Dilanjutkan Pembangunan nya. Ketika Selesai, Akan Menjadi Menara Tertinggi Di Dunia, Function Hall, Tempat Ibadah, Dan Ikon Baru Indonesia
Menara2 Tertinggi di Dunia
Dari Kiri ke Kanan: Menara Malaysia, Menara Shanghai Pearl, Menara Toronto, Menara Jakarta. Terletak di kemayoran
St Moritz
Akan Menjadi Superblock Dengan Apartment, Mall, Sekolah International, Rumah Sakit International, dll. Terdapat Gedung Tertinggi Di Indonesia Pada Saat Selesai Nanti nya. Terletak Di Area Puri Indah, Jakarta Barat , (Vibiznews-Property)- Kawasan Jakarta Barat sedang berkembang pesat dan ke depannya akan menjadi kawasan yang sangat menarik bagi siapa pun. Terutama, CBD (Central Business District) Jakarta Barat seluas 135 hektar yang sedang berkembang pesat saat ini.
Perpustakaan Universitas Indonesia
Akan Menjadi Salah Satu Perpustakaan Terbesar di Asia, Bahkan Di Dunia
Jembatan Suramadu
Masuk 10 Besar Jembatan Terpanjang Di Dunia.
Jembatan Selat Sunda
Akan Menjadi Jembatan Terpanjang ke 3 Di Dunia, yang Akan Di Lintasi Kereta Api, Proyek pembangunan Jembatan Selat Sunda (JSS) diperkirakan menelan biaya sekitar 10 miliar Dollar Amerika. Menurut beberapa sumber, panjang JSS ini mencapai 31 kilometer. Akan tetapi, ada juga sumber yang menyebutkan bahwa panjangnya sekitar 29 kilometer. Lebar JSS ini mencapai 60 meter. Rencananya JSS akan mulai dibangun pada tahun 2010 dan dapat mulai dioperasikan pada tahun 2025
Regata Apartment
Terletak di Pantai Mutiara...Didesign Oleh Arsitektur Pencipta Burj Al'arab, Hotel Bintang 6 Di Dubai Yang Merupakan Salah Satu Hotel Termahal Di Dunia. Apartment Ini Masih Dalam Tahap Pembangunan. 3 Menara nya Sudah di Bangun.
The Peak Apartment
The Tallest Twin Apartment in the World! Memang Sekeliling Apartment Ini Terdapat Rumah2 Kumuh.
Bali, Best Island in the World
Mengalahkan the Galapagos in Ecuador, Cape Breton in Canada, Kauai in Hawaii, Mount Desert in the United States, Maui in Hawaii, the Aeolian in Greece, the Maldives, Big and Vancouver. Menurut Majalah Travel And Leisure Amerika
Ini Merupakan WORLD's BIGGEST BUDDIST TEMPLE. Terletak di Jawa Tengah dan Dianggap Sebagai Situs Kebudayaan Dunia Oleh UNESCO. Dibangun Sekitar Tahun 800 Setelah Masehi. Kalau Saat SD Kita Sering Diajarkan Bahwa Borobudur Merupakan Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia, Itu Merupakan KesalahPahaman. Karena Tidak Ada Bukti Yang mengarah Kesana. (CMIIW)
Garuda Wisnu Kencana
AKan Menjadi Patung Tertinggi Di Dunia Pada Saat Selesai Pembuatan Keseluruhannya, Mengalahkan Patung Liberti Di Amerika. Patung Ini Terletak Di Bali.
Kanguru Pohon Mantel Emas
binatang kanguru yg di perkirakan sudah punah, di temukan kembali di papua
Komodo Dragon
Satu Dari Sekian Binatang Purba yg Masih Hidup Di Dunia. Di Calonkan Menjadi Salah Satu Keajaiban Dunia.
Situs Sangiran
Tempat Ditemukan Fossil Manusia Purba Pertama Di Dunia "Pithecanthropus erectus" di Pulau Jawa. Tahun 1996 Diresmikan Oleh UNESCO, sebagai Situs Kebudayaan Dunia
- Republik Indonesia merupakan Negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terdiri dari 17.504 pulau (termasuk 9.634 pulau yang belum diberi nama dan 6.000 pulau yang tidak berpenghuni).
- Disini ada 3 dari 6 pulau terbesar didunia, yaitu : Kalimantan (pulau terbesar ketiga di dunia dgn luas 539.460 km2), Sumatera (473.606 km2) dan Papua (421.981 km2)
- Indonesia adalah Negara maritim terbesar di dunia dengan perairan seluas 93 ribu km2 dan panjang pantai sekitar 81 ribu km2 atau hampir 25% panjang pantai di dunia.
- Pulau Jawa adalah pulau terpadat di dunia dimana sekitar 60% hampir penduduk Indonesia (sekitar 130 jt jiwa) tinggal di pulau yang luasnya hanya 7% dari seluruh wilayah RI.
- Indonesia merupakan Negara dengan suku bangsa yang terbanyak di dunia. Terdapat lebih dari 740 suku bangsa/etnis, dimana di Papua saja terdapat 270 suku.
- Negara dengan bahasa daerah yang terbanyak, yaitu, 583 bahasa dan dialek dari 67 bahasa induk yang digunakan berbagai suku bangsa di Indonesia . Bahasa nasional adalah bahasa Indonesia walaupun bahasa daerah dengan jumlah pemakai terbanyak di Indonesia adalah bahasa Jawa.
- Indonesia adalah negara muslim terbesar di dunia. Jumlah pemeluk agama Islam di Indonesia sekitar 216 juta jiwa atau 88% dari penduduk Indonesia . Juga memiliki jumlah masjid terbanyak dan Negara asal jamaah haji terbesar di dunia.
- Monumen Budha (candi) terbesar di dunia adalah Candi Borobudur di Jawa Tengah dengan tinggi 42 meter (10 tingkat) dan panjang relief lebih dari 1 km. Diperkirakan dibuat selama 40 tahun oleh Dinasti Syailendra pada masa kerajaan Mataram Kuno (750-850).
- Tempat ditemukannya manusia purba tertua di dunia, yaitu : Pithecanthropus Erectusʼ¬ yang diperkirakan berasal dari 1,8 juta tahun yang lalu.
- Republik Indonesia adalah Negara pertama yang lahir sesudah berakhirnya Perang Dunia II pada tahun 1945. RI merupakan Negara ke 70 tertua di dunia.
- Indonesia adalah Negara pertama (hingga kini satu-satunya) yang pernah keluar dari Perserikatan Bangsa Bangsa (PBB) pada tgl 7 Januari 1965. RI bergabung kembali ke dalam PBB pada tahun 1966.
- Tim bulutangkis Indonesia adalah yang terbanyak merebut lambang supremasi bulutangkis pria, Thomas Cup, yaitu sebanyak 13 x (pertama kali th 1958 & terakhir 2002).
- Indonesia adalah penghasil gas alam cair (LNG) terbesar di dunia (20% dari suplai seluruh dunia) juga produsen timah terbesar kedua.
-Indonesia menempati peringkat 1 dalam produk pertanian, yaitu : cengkeh (cloves) & pala (nutmeg), serta no.2 dalam karet alam (Natural Rubber) dan minyak sawit mentah (Crude Palm Oil).
- Indonesia adalah pengekspor terbesar kayu lapis (plywood), yaitu sekitar 80% di pasar dunia.
- Terumbu Karang (Coral Reef) Indonesia adalah yang terkaya (18% dari total dunia).
- Indonesia memiliki species ikan hiu terbanyak didunia yaitu 150 species.
- Biodiversity Anggrek terbeser didunia : 6 ribu jenis anggrek, mulai dari yang terbesar (Anggrek Macan atau Grammatophyllum Speciosum) sampai yang terkecil (Taeniophyllum, yang tidak berdaun), termasuk Anggrek Hitam yang langka dan hanya terdapat di Papua.
- Memiliki hutan bakau terbesar di dunia. Tanaman ini bermanfaat ntuk mencegah pengikisan air laut/abrasi.
- Binatang purba yang masih hidup : Komodo yang hanya terdapat di pulau Komodo, NTT adalah kadal terbesar di dunia. Panjangnya bias mencapai 3 meter dan beratnya 90 kg.
- Rafflesia Arnoldi yang tumbuh di Sumatera adalah bunga terbesar di dunia. Ketika bunganya mekar, diameternya mencapai 1 meter.
- Memiliki primata terkecil di dunia , yaitu Tarsier Pygmy (Tarsius Pumilus) atau disebut juga Tarsier Gunung yang panjangnya hanya 10 cm. Hewan yang mirip monyet dan hidupnya diatas pohon ini terdapat di Sulawesi.
- Tempat ditemukannya ular terpanjang di dunia yaitu, Python Reticulates sepanjang 10 meter di Sulawesi.
- Ikan terkecil di dunia yang ditemukan baru-baru ini di rawa-rawa berlumpur Sumatera. Panjang 7,9 mm ketika dewasa atau kurang lebih sebesar nyamuk. Tubuh ikan ini transparan dan tidak mempunyai tulang kepala.
1. Cendrawasih Biru : Cendrawasih Biru atau dalam nama ilmiahnya Paradisaea rudolphi adalah sejenis burung cendrawasih berukuran sedang, dengan panjang sekitar 30cm, dari genus Paradisaea.Daerah sebaran Cendrawasih Biru terdapat di hutan-hutan pegunungan Papua Nugini bagian timur dan tenggara, umumnya dari ketinggian 1.400 meter sampai ketinggian 1.800 meter di atas permukaan laut.
2. Cendrawasih Merah Cendrawasih Merah atau dalam nama ilmiahnya Paradisaea rubra adalah sejenis burung pengicau berukuran sedang, dengan panjang sekitar 33cm, dari marga Paradisaea. Endemik Indonesia, Cendrawasih Merah hanya ditemukan di hutan dataran rendah pada pulau Waigeo dan Batanta di kabupaten Raja Ampat, provinsi Irian Jaya Barat.
3. Merak Biru Merak Biru atau Merak India, yang dalam nama ilmiahnya Pavo cristatus adalah salah satu burung dari tiga spesies burung merak. Merak Biru mempunyai bulu berwarna biru gelap mengilap. Burung jantan dewasa berukuran besar, panjangnya dapat mencapai 230cm, dengan penutup ekor yang sangat panjang berwarna hijau metalik. Populasi Merak Biru tersebar di hutan terbuka dengan padang rumput di India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal dan Bhutan. Sebelumnya spesies ini ditemukan juga di Bangladesh, namun sekarang kemungkinan besar telah punah di sana.
4. Jalak Bali Jalak Bali atau dalam nama ilmiahnya Leucopsar rothschildi adalah sejenis burung pengicau berukuran sedang, dengan panjang lebih kurang 25cm, dari suku Sturnidae. Endemik Indonesia, Jalak Bali hanya ditemukan di hutan bagian barat pulau Bali. Burung ini juga merupakan satu-satunya spesies endemik Bali, dimana pada tahun 1991 dinobatkan sebagai lambang fauna provinsi Bali. Keberadaan hewan endemik ini dilindungi undang-undang.
5. Cekakak-hutan Melayu Cekakak-hutan memiliki suara yang unik dan khas. Pada umumnya, mereka bersuara keras. Siulannya meninggi dan berbunyi "kwii-kwii...". Uniknya, setiap siulan tersebut dihasilkan sekitar satu nada per detik. Burung jenis ini tinggal di dalam hutan dan berburu dari tenggeran rendah. Tidak seperti suaranya yang keras, burung ini ternyata agak pemalu. Mereka hanya mencari mangsa dari atas tanah dengan membalik-balikkan dedaunan.
6. Nuri Sayap Hitam Nuri sayap hitam atau Nuri merah Biak, yang dalam nama ilmiahnya Eos cyanogenia adalah sejenis nuri berukuran sedang, dengan panjang sekitar 30cm, dari suku Psittacidae. Endemik Indonesia, Nuri Sayap-hitam hanya ditemukan di habitat hutan di pesisir pulau Biak dan pulau-pulau di Teluk Cenderawasih, Papua. Spesies ini sering ditemukan dan bersarang di perkebunan kelapa.
7. Kakak Tua Raja Spesies ini hidup pada ketinggian 0-1520 meter dari permukaan laut, biasanya berkelompok. Kakatua pada umumnya berusia panjang, hingga mencapai 60 tahun bahkan lebih. Kakatua menghuni hutan primer dan sekunder yang tinggi dan tepi hutan; juga hutan monsun (Nusa Tenggara), hutan yang tinggi bersemak, semak yang pohonnya jarang dan lahan budidaya yang pohonnya jarang. Dari permukaan laut sampai ketinggian 900 m (Sulawesi), 1520 m (Lombok), 1000 m (Sumbawa),
Zoids: Kejadianpenampilanpertama dalamvideo gamedalamZoidsSagaDS: Legendadari Arcadiauntuk Nintendo DS. KejadianZoidsjuga tampilsecara ekstensif dalamZoids: Crash Full Metal(dirilis 27 Oktober 2005) untuk NintendoGamecube. MurasameLigerdanMematikanKongZoidsdimainkan. RuujiFamilon, ReiMii, Thunder GaragadanZairintersedia sebagaipilotdipilih/dimainkan. Seri initermasuk dalamgameSuper RobotWarsSuper RobotWarsK, jugauntuk Nintendo DS. Inidatang sebagaikejutan bagipenggemarSRWbanyakmengingat bahwafranchisevideo gameyang dikembangkan olehNamco Bandaisainganperdagangan; Sunrise(sebuahanak perusahaanNamco Bandai) terlibat dalam serilain yang dimilikioleh TakaraTomy-yang telah ditampilkan dalamSRW.
Tema lagu Membuka 1. "夜鷹の夢" (tidak ada Yotaka Yume, Dream Nighthawk itu) oleh Do As Infinity Akhir 1. "Real Love" oleh PARADISE GO! GO! 2. "ありのままで Lovin'U (Arino Mamade Lovin'U)" oleh Shizuka Ito (Kotona) Kimiko Koyama & (Re Mii) (ep Tayang Pertama. 29) 3. "握りしめたその手に (Nigirishimeta sono Te ni)" oleh Shizuka Ito (Kotona) Kimiko Koyama & (Re Mii) (ep Tayang Pertama. 44
ChaoticCentury Tidak banyakdari masa laluZekeadalahdikenal, meskipunkemungkinan bahwa iadan Fiona(dan mungkin Van) terkait bersama-sama. Pada awalseri, diaditemukanoleh Vandisebuah reruntuhankuno.Sementaradiabermusuhanpada awalnya, iamenghangatVandan melindungidia dariGuysackdikemudikan olehbandit. Dia kemudiansekeringdenganjatuhPerisaiLiger, menghidupkan kembalidanmemungkinkanVanuntuk pilotitu, dan melawanbandit. Setelah pertempuran,ZekemembawaVankembali kereruntuhan, di mana mereka menemukanseorang gadisyang aneh. Vankemudian mengambilZekedan gadisanehkembali kedesanya danmemperkenalkan mereka kepadaadiknya,Maria, yangpingsansetelah melihatZeke. Dia kemudian memutuskan untukmembiarkan merekatinggal.SementaraVanmenunjukkanZekedan gadis, yang ia beri nama"Fiona," di sekitar desa, sekelompok seranganbandit, mencobauntuk menemukanZeke. MerekamenculikMaria, danmengatakan mereka akandibebaskandalam pertukaran untukZeke. Desa-desakemudian memutuskanuntuk bertukarZekeuntuk Maria. Tepat sebelumpertukarandibuat, Vanmuncul danmengalahkanbandit, membebaskanbaikZekedan Maria. Vankemudian memutuskan untukpergi denganZekedan Fionauntuk memastikantak seorang pun akanpergi setelahdesa. Vanyang tepat, untukseluruh seri, ia akandiserangbeberapa kaliuntukZeke. Selama satupertempuran antaraVan dansaingannya, Raven, Zekerusak parah, dan Vanbergegasuntuk mendapatkanbahanlangka, yang disebut ZoidMagnite, yang dapatmenyembuhkannya. Sebagaiseribergerak,Van dankelompoknyamenjaditerjebak dalamperangbaru, danmencoba untuk melindungidinobatkanpangeranRudolph. Selamapertempuran antaraRaven, CoreShieldLigerhancur, meskipun Zekeberhasilmendapatkan dirinyadan Vankeluartepat waktu. Zekedan FionakemudiansekeringdenganLigerShield,menciptakanLigerBlade.Zekeakan terusmenyatu denganZoidbaruVan, dan membantudia disisaseri.
Van: Zeke dapat dianggap teman Van terbaik. Keduanya biasanya ditunjukkan sekitar satu samalain, dan menonton kembali satu sama lain '. Van percaya Zeke dengan hidupnya, dengan Zeke selalu datang melalui untuk Van. Fiona: Zeke juga merupakan teman Fiona. Tampak bahwa Fiona adalah pemilik asli Zeke, seperti dua yang ditemukan di samping satu sama lain dalam reruntuhan kuno. Fiona mampu memahami apa yang Zeke mengatakan, yang tampaknya menjadi biasa dengan Zoidians Kuno. Irvine: Pada awalnya, Irvine hanya ingin menangkap Zeke. Kemudian, ia dan Zeke menjadi teman. Irvine tidak mengatakan dia akan menculik Zeke, tetapi hanya mengatakan ini Van bug. Moonbay: Sementara dua tidak memiliki kontak langsung, mereka tampaknya bersahabat. Thomas: Seperti Moonbay, Zeke dan Thomas tidak memiliki banyak kontak langsung, meskipun mereka terlihat ramah. Zeke tidak mengembangkan naksir satu-off lelucon pada Thomas setelah kesalahpahaman kata-katanya di episode 9. Shadow: Sebagai Raven adalah rivial kepada Van, Shadow adalah rivial untuk Zeke. Keduanya terbukti memiliki kepribadian yang sama sekali berbeda, dan dengan demikian tidak cocok.
Specula: Banyak seperti Organoids lainnya, Specula dan Zeke tampaknya memusuhi satu sama lain. Ini diketahui apakah Specula menjadi friendler dengan Zeke di akhir seri.
Organoids are a special type of Zoid, usually looking like small Tyrannosaurs, (albeit many with added features like wings, spikes, etc), although the Organoid "Pulse" from the Zoids Legacy Game Boy game is a feline. Organoids are much smaller than regular Zoids, around the size of a small horse.
Organoids do not appear in the "Zoids: New Century Zero" "Zoids: Fuzors" or "Zoids: Genesis" series, although reference is made in New Century Zero to an "Organoid System" in certain Zoids. It is not clear whether this Organoid System has anything to do with the Organoids seen in the previous series.
In the anime, each Organoid is shown to have their own special abilities, but their main purpose is to enhance the abilities of the Zoid(s) which they fuse with. An Organoid-enhanced Zoid has greater overall performance than their regular counterparts. This stems from not only directly enhanced abilities (such as greater speed or body strength) but also from the fact that a Zoid with an Organoid in it becomes easier to pilot. However, their other primary function is to make Zoids "evolve". That is, to say, make Zoids change shape and become more powerful. The effects each Organoid has on the Zoid they fuse with varies, as some Zoids seen in the anime transform from one form to another (such as the Geno Saurer to Geno Breaker and the Shield Liger to Blade Liger) while others simply change in shape (such as a Double Sworder piloted by Reese, which grows in size when her Organoid fuses with it. Organoids also have the ability to heal Zoids (including the ability to revive Zoids who's Zoid Core has been damaged).
Organoids were originally paired up with Ancient Zoidians, and are speculated to serve as a physical aide to their masters. They are also hollow and can carry people within their bodies. When Zeke does this to Fiona, she suddenly regains (part) of her memory, which leads Dr. D to conclude that they also have a role as a kind of data storage unit for the last few remnants of the Ancient Zoidian race (although Zeke is the only one shown to have this ability). As all organoids are capable of flight, this ability to carry people makes them a useful mechanism for fleeing from danger.
As a side note, Zoid Magnite is shown to be able to heal Organoids.
The computer system BEEK, is often compared to Organoids, as it improves the ability of the Zoid it is installed on in an Organoid-like manner. However, it is simply a computer, and all its abilities are related to its computational power, not from any physical alteration of the Zoid.
Two years after the fall of the Death Saurer, Zeke is still partners with Van. He aids Van in stopping Hiltz and his plan of mass destruction. During the battle between Hiltz and Van, Zeke fuses with Fiona in an attempt to destroy the Zoid Eve. Van stops them from doing this, and goes on to destroy the Death Saurer. At the end of the series, Zeke is shown leaving with Van and Fiona on their new adventure.
Before the start of the series, the Helic Republic discovered Shadow in a capsule. The convoy transporting the capsule were attacked by a Guylos regiment, led by Prozen. Rather than hand over the Organoid, Halford (who was part of the republican convoy) attempted to destroy the capsule. His attempt ultimately failed and Shadow was awakened. The Guylos forces attempted to give chase, but were stopped by the actions of Dan Flyheight. After this setback, it took Guylos forces a further five years to reclaim Shadow. Prozen allows Raven (who had been recruited by Prozen personally) to try and tame him. Raven was successful, and partnered with Shadow from then on.
Ravenpertama kali munculdi episode12ChaoticCentury, "The OrganoidHitam". Dalam episodetersebut, sebuah Organoiddanseorang anaktelah dilaporkanmenghancurkanseluruhpeletonGuysakstidur. VanFlyheight, FionadanOrganoid, Zeke, yangawalnyadikirapelaku, dandikejar olehTentara Republik. Raven, bagaimanapun, menyelamatkan mereka. Vandan FionadiikutiRavenuntukdataran tinggi, menekandia untukinformasi, yangia menolak untukmengungkapkan. Irvinemuncul,memperingatkanbahwaRavenVanlah yangtelahmembunuhZoids. Ravenmengumumkan bahwaia membenciZoids, danOrganoidnya, Shadow,sertaZoidnya, FangZaber, melangkah keluardari balikdataran tinggi.Vankemudianmenyaksikan dengan ngeri saatRavenmenghancurkanseluruharmadaGodosyangdikirim setelahdia.
Chaotic Century
Raven first appeared in episode 12 of Chaotic Century, "The Black Organoid". In the episode, an Organoid and a kid had been reported destroying a whole platoon of sleeper Guysaks. Van Flyheight, Fiona and the Organoid, Zeke, are initially mistaken for the culprits, and are pursued by the Republican Army. Raven, however, rescued them. Van and Fiona followed Raven to a plateau, pressing him for information, which he refused to divulge. Irvine showed up, warning Van that Raven was the one who'd been killing Zoids. Raven announced that he despised Zoids, and his Organoid, Shadow, as well as his Zoid, the Zaber Fang, step out from behind the plateau. Van then watched in horror as Raven destroyed an entire fleet of Godos which were sent after him. Enraged, Van challenged Raven with his Shield Liger, but lost quickly and easily to Raven's superior skill.
Van and Raven would continue to have skirmishes in several following episodes. The next battle left Zeke in a weakened state. While Van was trying to help Zeke recover, Irvine challenged Raven to a battle with a new weapon but Raven, along Shadow, defeated him with ease as well. He then viewed Major Schubaltz's battle against Captain Herman'sGojulas. Seeing Herman collapsing the Gojulas, Raven denounced Herman's abilities and commented that if he were piolting the Gojulas, no one would have escaped.
During Prozen's invasion, Raven and Van battled again; this time Van finally managed to draw with Raven until he had to leave due to Prozen's invasion. Raven, angry with Van 'running away', tracked down Fiona and Moonbay atop Mt. Osa and he battled Van once again; this time Van won. Raven's loss came about as a result of his Zaber Fang melting as he recklessly tried to force it through Van's E-shield, which he almost succeed in doing. Following this defeat, Raven deduced that he needed a more powerful Zoid.
Raven would reappear later with his new and more powerful Zoid: the Geno Saurer (initially mistaken by the characters as a Death Saurer). Involved in a conspiracy by Prozen to abduct the crown Prince Rudolph, Raven found that Rudolph was with Van and the two had yet another rematch, which resulted in the destruction of Van's Shield Liger and Zeke's near death experience. Raven would continue to use his Geno Saurer in following episodes to carry out Prozen's bidding: killing mass amounts of Zoids and taking their Cores for use in the Death Saurer revival project.
Van Flyheight
Van Flyheight (Bang Freiheit in the Japanese version) is a fictional character from Zoids: Chaotic Centuryand Zoids: Guardian Force. In both series, he is the main protagonist.
Van was born and raised in the Wind Colony village. It is shown that he has a sister named Maria and a father named Dan Flyheight. It is never said what happened to his mother. He and his sister became orphaned after their father was killed defending the Wind Colony and an Organoid (which later turns out to be Shadow) from the Imperial Army. At the beginning of the series, Van is seen being chased by a bandit piloting a Guysak into an old ruin. Inside, he finds two capsule. Upon opening one, he finds a Organoid. While hostile at first, Van is able to win him over, and names him Zeke. When the Guysak attacks, Zeke pushes it away, and takes Van to a Shield Liger. Much to Van's surprise, Zeke brings the Zoid back to life, and Van is able to fight off the bandits. Zeke then brings Van back to the ruin, and helps him open the second capsule, which contains a girl. Van decides to take the to back to his village. On the way back to the village, Van trys to talk to the girl. While she is not able to remember anything, she does say the word Fiona. As such, she is given the name Fiona. While at the village, the bandits return, and kidnaps Van's sister. Van decides to go after her, and is able to defeat the bandits. Afterwords, Van decides to leave with Fiona and Zeke, knowing that if he stays, his village will be attacked again.
On their adventure, the group meets Irvine a mercenary. He gives them food, and directs them to a old military base. At the base, Van's group is attacked by a white Gordos. After escaping the Gordos, Fiona becomes separated from the group. She then finds an ancient pillar, and remembers the "Zoid Eve". She tells this to Van, and Van decides to help her find it, hoping her memory will be restored. The two are then attacked by Irvine, who is trying to steal Zeke. After a quick skirmish, in which the Gordos is hurt, Van is able to defeat Irvine.
After defeating Irvine, the group runs across a transporter, Moonbay. After being forced to become Moonbay's bodyguard, and Irvine joining the party, Van's group becomes involved in the battle between the Helic Republic and Guylos Empire. Van would also become rivials with Guylos top ace pilot, Raven. During the defence of New Helic City, Van makes a new ally with Dr. D, and is able to beat Raven's Zaber Fang.
After the defence of New Helic City, Van's group heads to the Gurreal ruins. At the ruins, the group has a run in with sleeper Rev Raptors. After the battle, the group finds out the ruins have been excavated, but do find one fragment left. Fiona touches this, and remembers one word, "Death Saurer". With this let down, the group leaves, but soon come across a boy, none other then prince Rudolph. The group also finds out that Raven has a new Zoid, the Geno Saurer. Raven is able to destroy Van's Shield Liger, but Fiona and Zeke fuse with it, tranforming it into the Blade Liger.
Once the group arrives at the Guylos captial, Van and Fiona meet Prozen, who uses a Death Saurer to take over the Guylos Empire. While he and Fiona head off to the Guylos captial, they run into Raven and his Geno Saurer. With a kiss from Fiona, Van is able to beat Raven and Prozen and his Death Saurer.
After Prozen is defeated, Van and Fiona head out, still looking for the Zoids Eve.
Two years after the fall of the Death Saurer, Van is a Lieutenant in the Republican army. One day, Van finds out Colonel Krueger is retiring. While Van doesn't like this idea, Krueger says it's for the best, and tells Van to take some time off. Van then decides to take a trip back home. After visiting his father’s grave, Van meets Hiltz, though Van is unaware of who he is. While Van and Zeke vist the ruin by Van's village, they happen across a destroyed Gustav. While looking around the wreckage, the two run into some old friends; Fiona and Dr. D. After fighting off a Steath Viper, Van becomes a member of the Guardian Force, and leaves with Fiona, still on the quest for the Zoids Eve.
After a fight with a Gunsniper, Van and Fiona meet up with another Ancient Zoidian, Reese. Reese kidnaps Fiona, and attacks Van with a Double Sworder, Van is able to fight her off, and save Fiona.
Soon after, Van is assigned to meet up with Schubaltz. Van and Fiona believe they are to meet Karl Schubaltz, but find out it's Karl's younger brother, Thomas Richard Schubaltz. While Thomas acts hostile to Van at first (due to the fact he sees Van as a rivial for Fiona), the two would become friends.
Van meets some of his old friends as well, such as Irvine, Moonbay, and Dr. D. Van would also meet Raven again, who survived the last encounter with Van. Raven also has a new Zoid as well, the Geno Breaker. Van's group would also learn that Hiltz is the mastermind behind all the recent attacks, and would resolve to fight him.
Hiltz responds to this with Death Stinger. The Death Stinger begins to destroy the Helic Republic, and Van is told to head to the Ultrasaurus. When Van's party arrives at the Ultrasaurus, they learn it needs some time to power up, so Van and Irvine decide to fight off Hiltz's Helcats and the Death Stinger, giving time for the Ultrasaurus power up and escape. Although it's a near suicidal mission, the two accept it regardless.
Van and Irvine fight off the Helcats, and are saved from the Death Stinger's Charged Particle Cannon by Rosso and Viola, who are piloting Storm Sworders. When Van arrives on the Ultrasaurus, he is greeted by Fiona, who hugs him and states her happiness of Van being safe. Van also learns about the Gravity Cannon, and the final battle against Hiltz. During a battle with Hiltz, Fiona is kidnapped, and taken to the Zoids Eve. Van heads off to save her, but arrives to late, as Hiltz has already activated the Death Saurer. After stopping Fiona and Zeke from destroying the Zoids Eve, Van teams up with Raven to take on the Death Saurer. Van comes up with the idea of firing himself from the Gravity Cannon, and is able to defeat Hiltz and the Death Saurer
As the series ends, Van has lived his dream of becoming the greatest Zoid pilot on Zi. He then leaves with Fiona and Zeke, in search of new adventures.
Zoids: New Century Zero
Zoids: New Century Zero, or Zoids: New Century/Zero (ゾイド新世紀/ゼロ Zoido Shinseiki Surasshu Zero), is an anime television series created by Makoto Mizobuchi in 2001 by Shogakukan, Inc. It is the third Zoids series created, based on the range of mecha models produced by TOMY. The series has been dubbed and released to the US (The UK, however, was shown the Zoids: Chaotic Century anime first, which is the correct order), and was the first Zoids series to be dubbed in English. The series has 26 episodes that run for an average of 25 minutes. In the western version, this series was called "New Century", with the "slash zero" removed.
Zoids: Chaotic Century is the first of four Anime series based on the Zoids range of mecha model kits produced by TOMY. The series was animated by XEBEC, and aired from 1999-09-04 to 2000-12-23 on TBS. Although the first series to be produced for the franchise in Japan, Chaotic Century was the second series to be dubbed and aired in Western nations, following Zoids: New Century Zero. In Japan, the anime was simply called Zoids, western nations received it under the name Chaotic Century.
Zoids : Chaotic Century
Japanese Name : ゾイド
Name Translation : Zoido
Genre : Adventure, Comedy, Mecha
Director : Takao Kato
Studio : Shogakukan Productions.
Network : TBS, Cartoon network
First Aired : 1999-09-04
Last Aired : 2000-12-23
Episodes : 34
Zoids Guardian Force
Zoids: Guardian Force is a term used by this wiki to refer to the second half of the "Chaotic Century" anime. This use of terminology stems from the change in the episode's introduction: "The prolonged war on Planet Zi is finally over. However, some antagonists continue to use powerful Zoids in an attempt to stir up renewed conflict. In response, the Empire and the Republic jointly established the Guardian Force. A task force with the express purpose of maintaining the peace. Van Flyheight and Fiona along with the Organoid Zeke, dedicate themselves to helping ensure peace and stability for the people of Planet Zi. Together, they are the Guardian Force fighters."
Zoids : Guardian Force
The Guardian Force's logo is a combination of the Helic Republic and Guylos Empire's symbols
Japanese Name : ゾイド
Name Translation : Zoido
Genre : Adventure, Comedy, Mecha
Director : Takao Kato
Studio : Shogakukan Productions.
Network : TBS, Cartoon network
First Aired : 1999-09-04
Last Aired : 2000-12-23
Episodes : 33
Death Saurer
The Death Saurer (also written as Deathsaurer) is a dinosaur-type Zoid, one of over 200 species of biomechanical lifeforms depicted by TOMY's Zoids model, toy, and media franchise. The Death Saurer is the ultimate villain of the Chaotic Century and Guardian Force anime series, and plays a major role throughout the Battle Story.
The Death Saurer is a Dinosaur-type Zoid modeled after the fictional Japanese monster Godzilla, and is used by the Zenebas Empire, and later the Guylos Empire. The Death Saurer is one of the most powerful Zoids ever to have existed.
The Death Saurer was developed as a counter to the Republic's Ultrasaurus, a Zoid that was considered to be unstoppable. To defeat it, the Death Saurer was armed with a new weapon, the Charged Particle Cannon. This weapon, long considered to be one of the most powerful ever mounted on a Zoid, was capable of levelling almost any target in a single blast. No form of armour or defense was effective against this weapon. While many other Zoids have mounted Charged Particle Cannons as well, the Death Saurer's is still the most powerful. Additionally, unlike most other CPC-armed Zoids, the Death Saurer does not need to be immobilised in order to fire its weapon.
In addition to its powerful weapons, the Death Saurer is also covered by some of the thickest armor on any Zoid. The Death Saurer's armor was designed to defend against such weapons as the Ultrasaurus' quad 360 mm Cannons and the Gojulas Supercannons. The only weakness in its armor is the intake for its Charged Particle Cannon. The intake is less protected than the rest of its body, and is vulnerable to attack. Destroying it will expose the Zoid's power system to a direct attack.
The Death Saurer's only other weakness is the ponderously slow speed at which it moves, which makes it an easy target. Of course, its thick armor and powerful weapons mean that it can survive almost any assault.
Death Saurer
Death Saurer in the anime series
Dinosaur Type : Guylos/Zenebas
Crew :2
Weight :400 tons
Depth :32.4 m
Height :21 m
Maximum Speed :90 km/h
Weapons : Killer Bite Fangs, Hyper Killer Claws (2), AEZ 20 mm Beam Gun, Large-Bore Particle Beam Cannon, SSM Pod, Small-Bore Anti-Ground Laser Machinegun (2), TEZ 20 mm Linear Laser Gun (2), AEZ 20 mm Beam Gun, Small-Bore Laser Machinegun, Sixteen-Shot Missile Launcher, Weighted Striking Tail
Equipment : E-Shield Generator (anime only), High-Precision Infra-Red Beam Laser Searcher, Composite Sensor Unit, Charged Particle Intake Management Fan or Charged Particle Converter (anime)
Blade Liger
The Blade Liger is a Lion-type Zoid, a race of mechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zoids universe. The Blade Liger features heavily in the first two anime series’, Zoids: Chaotic Century and Zoids: Guardian Force, as it is piloted by the main character, Van Flyheight. It also plays a relatively important role in the Battle Story and secondary roles in the Zoids: New Century Zero and Zoids: Fuzors anime.
Blade Liger A CGI rendering of Leon Toros' Blade Liger.
The Geno Breaker is a Tyrannosaurus-type Zoid, one of over 200 species of fictional biomechanical lifeforms depicted by TOMY's Zoids model, toy, and media franchise. Based on the Geno Saurer, the Geno Breaker was first released in 2002, and the Zoid plays a significant role in both the Battle Story and the Zoids: Guardian Force anime.
Geno Breaker
A CGI of the Geno Breaker as seen in the Zoids Guardian Force anime.
The Liger Zero (ライガーゼロRaigā Zero) is a Lion type Zoid, one of over 200 species of biomechanical life forms that provide the basis for TOMY’s model kit, anime, and comic based Zoids franchise. The Liger Zero is the main characters' Zoid in Zoids: New Century Zero (the first Zoids series to be dubbed into English and shown in the US), and Zoids: Fuzors. It was also featured in both the Chaotic Century and New Century manga series and plays a role in the Battle Story. As a model, it was the centre of Hasbro's New American Release marketing campaign, making it a widely recognised Zoid.
Crew : 1
Weight : 85 tons
Depth : 22.4 m
Height : 8.3 m
Max Speed : 307 km/h
Weapons : Laser Fangs, Strike Laser Claws (4), AZ 208 mm Double-Barrelled Shock Cannon, AZ 108 mm High-Density Beam Gun
Equipment : Changing Armor System (CAS), Ion Turbo Booster Unit, Downforce Stabilizers (2)
Liger Zero Schneider
The first CAS Unit for the Liger Zero, the CP-17 Schneider Unit is designed for close combat. In the Zero anime, it seemed to sport higher attack power than the Jaeger or Zero units, although it had freezing problems the first time it was used. The unit features seven energy blades mounted on the Liger Zero's head and sides (five around the head, one on each flank) which can be used to cut through enemy Zoid armor and energy shields. Additionally, the Zero Schneider features improved speed and acceleration through the use of a series of powerful boosters.
Equipment : Changing Armour System (CAS), E-Shield Generator (5), Multi-Sensor Scouting Pod, High-Output Ion Boosters (2), High-Energy Thrusters (2)
Liger Zero Jager
The second Liger Zero CAS Unit, the CP-20 Jager Unit is designed for reconnaissance and high-speed strike operations. The Jager unit's main features are a pair of large boosters mounted on the Zoid's back, which provide the Zoid with incredible speed and acceleration while improving the Zoid's agility. All up, the Zero Jager has the best maneuverability of any ground-based Zoid, and has amongst the best acceleration.
Liger Zero Jager
CGI model of the Liger Zero Jager
Liger Type
Helic Republic
Crew : 1
Weight : 132 tons
Depth : 24.1 m
Height : 10.8 m
Maximum Speed : 330 km/h
Weapons : Laser Fangs, Strike Laser Claws (4), AZ 208 mm Double-Barreled Shock Cannon, Vulcan Pod (2), Flying Vulcan Pod (2)
Equipment : Changing Armour System (CAS), Aero-Fairings (4), Large Ion Boosters (2), Side Thrusters (2), Multi-Blade Antenna (2), Objective Blade Sensor (2)
Liger Zero Panzer
The third Liger Zero CAS Unit, the CP-21 'Panzer Unit' is designed for heavy assault and long-range bombardment. The armor reduces the Zoid's speed and agility, while increasing its overall level of protection and drastically increasing its firepower. The unit sports two heavy cannons in addition to numerous concealed missile launchers, allowing it to engage both land and air targets.
Liger Zero Panzer
CGI model of the Liger Zero Panzer
Liger Type
Helic Republic
Crew : 1
Weight : 145 tons
Depth : 23.3 m
Height : 9.7 m
Maximum Speed : 285 km/h
Weapons : Laser Fangs, Strike Laser Claws (4), AZ 208 mm Triple-Barreled Shock Cannon, AZ Two-Shot Missile Pods (4), AZ Three-Shot Grenade Launchers (4), AZ Two-Shot Micro-Homing Missile Pod (2), AZ Six-Shot Micro-Homing Missile Pod (5), AZ Three-Shot Micro Homing Missile Pod (2), Vulcan Pod (2), Hybrid Cannon (2) consisting of AZ 216 mm Railgun and AZ 108 mm Beam Gun
The Geno Saurer (also written as Genosaurer) is a Tyrannosaurus type Zoid, one of over 200 species of fictional biomechanical lifeforms depicted by TOMY's Zoids model, toy, and media franchise. Based on the Death Saurer, the Geno Saurer plays a large role in several parts of the Battle Story, is the main antagonist's Zoid in the Chaotic Century anime and manga, and makes appearances in Guardian Force, New Century Zero, and Zoids: Fuzors.
The Gun Sniper is a Velociraptor-type Zoid, created by the Helic Republic.
One of the first Helic Zoids created using the Organoid System, the Gun Sniper is considered to be one of the most intelligent Zoids in active service, capable of "learning" from its pilot. Light and agile, the Zoid is designed both to function as an infantry machine and for fire support.
The Gun Sniper is a type of Zoid, a race of mechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zoids universe.
The Gun Sniper is a Velociraptor-type Zoid, created by the Helic Republic.
One of the first Helic Zoids created using the Organoid System, the Gun Sniper is considered to be one of the most intelligent Zoids in active service, capable of "learning" from its pilot. Light and agile, the Zoid is designed both to function as an infantry machine and for fire support.
The Zoid's primary weapon is a 144mm Sniper Rifle built into the Zoid's tail. Although it requires the Gun Sniper to be immobilized in order to fire, the powerful weapon is capable of disabling far larger Zoids with a single shot. Secondary weapons include a respectable selection of both ranged weapons and close-combat claws and fangs, making the Gun Sniper very well armed for its diminutive size.
Equipment :3D Radar Antenna (2), Ion Booster (2), Ion Charger
Death Stinger
The Death Stinger is a type of Zoid, a race of mechanical lifeforms from the fictional Zoids universe.
Kematian Stinger adalah Laut Scorpion tipe Zoid diproduksi oleh Kekaisaran Guylos.
Produk akhir dari teknologi Sistem Organoid, Death Stinger adalah kombinasi dari inti Zoid kuat ditemukan di reruntuhan kuno dan Sistem Organoid artifisial diciptakan. Hasilnya adalah salah satu Zoids paling kuat yang pernah dibuat, sebuah mesin sebanding dalam banyak cara untuk sebuah Saurer Kematian laut pergi. Selain sepenuhnya amfibi, Zoid ini mampu menggali melalui bahkan batu terpadat.
Kematian Stinger memiliki gudang senjata raksasa, yang terbesar dari yang merupakan Partikel Dibebankan Cannon. Berbeda dengan senjata di Geno Saurer, Stinger Kematian tidak perlu bergerak dalam rangka untuk menembak. Zoid gunung sejumlah besar senjata lainnya, terutama yang besar Cannon shock 930mm, bersama dengan cakar banyak dan pisau (The Death Stinger memiliki empat cakar, cakar utama di depan, dan dua cakar kecil lebih tambahan di belakangnya). Semua senjata yang dirancang untuk digunakan baik di darat dan air. Stinger Kematian dilindungi oleh perisai energi omni-directional, serta baju besi padat.
Seiring dengan persenjataan yang cukup, yang Stinger Kematian juga memiliki beberapa kemampuan yang tidak biasa. Kematian Stinger memiliki kemampuan untuk beroperasi benar-benar tak berawak untuk waktu yang lama, dikendalikan oleh Sistem Organoid sendiri. Hal ini juga bisa "bertelur" salinan dari dirinya sendiri, tampaknya melalui mengubah inti dari Zoids itu telah hancur. Ada juga versi khusus dari Stinger Kematian diciptakan selama rezim Neo Zenebas disebut Khusus Zarka (atau ZS untuk pendek). Ingin penelitiannya menjadi lebih dikenal secara luas, seorang ilmuwan independen yang disebut Zarka menambahkan limiter ke inti Zoid untuk membuatnya terkendali tanpa merampas kekuasaan terlalu banyak, dan berencana untuk melepaskan itu di Benua Tengah.
Weapons : Strike Laser Bite Scissors (2), Laser Fangs (2), AZ 105 mm Linear Cannon (2), Laser Cutters (2), AZ 35 mm Vulcan Gun (4), AZ 120 mm Hyper Laser Gun (2), AZ 120 mm Hyper Beam Gun (2), AZ 930 mm Double-Barrelled Shock Gun, Charged Particle Cannon
Ultrasaurus adalah jenis Zoid, salah satu dari lebih dari 200 spesies bentuk kehidupan biomekanik yang memberikan dasar untuk model kit TOMY itu, anime, dan komik yang berbasis waralaba Zoids. overview Ultrasaurus merupakan Zoid Ultrasaurus-jenis, yang dibuat oleh Republik Helic, dan digunakan selama berbagai perang pada Zi. Dari lima model Zoids terbesar membuat cetakan Ultrasaurus melihat rilis yang paling. Ini dirancang oleh Republik untuk menjadi "senjata pamungkas" mereka, Zoid mampu mengalahkan setiap lawan yang dihadapinya dan mengakhiri perang. Lebih besar dari apa yang telah dibuat sebelumnya, Ultrasaurus yang dipasang array mengejutkan senjata mampu meratakan hampir target apapun. Senjata utama Zoid adalah sebuah kuartet 360mm Supercannons, mirip dengan yang digunakan oleh Gojulas. Senjata-senjata ini berkisar panjang mampu menghujani kehancuran luar biasa pada target dari jarak jauh. Zoid adalah sangat berat lapis baja, dibangun untuk membawa beberapa baju besi tebal dipasang di Zoid apapun. Ini adalah sebuah kebutuhan, seperti Ultrasaurus yang menjemukan lambat dan sangat kikuk, tidak mampu untuk menghindari serangan. Namun, gudang besar-besaran menyerang Zoid membuatnya menjadi prospek yang meragukan. Ultrasaurus ini dilengkapi dengan trio kendaraan hover yang lebih kecil yang dapat digunakan untuk pengintaian dan eksplorasi independen dari Zoid utama. Selain itu, Zoid ini dilengkapi dengan array komunikasi canggih, yang memungkinkan untuk bertindak sebagai pusat komando mobile. Zoid adalah amfibi, mampu beroperasi baik di darat dan di air, dan dapat benar-benar menenggelamkan jika diperlukan.
Equipment : 360 Hyper Energy Shield, Radar, Communications Antenna, Small Vehicle Launcher Catapult
List of Zoids
Zoids are fictional mechanical lifeforms, found on Planet Zi. A Zoid is essentially a mechanical animal formed around a techno-organic 'core' (known as a "Zoid Core"), which serves as its heart and mind. The Core is considered to be 'alive', making the Zoid a living creature. Otherwise, its body is an artificial mechanical construct like any other mecha.
The Zoids franchise has expanded to include multiple model lines since 1982, five anime series', multiple video game series' and additional supporting material.
Model Kit Zoids
The following is a list of Zoids that have been released in the form of official model kits or products.
The following Zoids are a combination of other Zoids. Note that the following includes Zoids that have not been released in model form. Also note that other combinations of Zoids are possible, but only combinations seen in official Zoids media should be listed.
The following Zoids have had models produced, but were never sold to the public. These include unreleased prototypes and models custom made for use in official media.
The following table lists Zoids that have never had a model built and/or Zoids that can be recreated only through the use of optional pieces, such as the Zoids Customise Parts. Though other variants are possible, this list only includes those seen in official works.